Apparently a zombie classic of which I, however, never heard until the trailer for the third title of the franchise (is it a franchise?) ‘28 Years Later’ (preceded by ‘28 Weeks Later’). As the trailer really left an impression on me and I am thinking of actually watching a horror movie in the cinema for the first time (I rarely watch horror/zombie movies in general), I just needed to watch the two previous titles beforehand. After seeing Cillian Murphy in the main cast of the first movie, the plan became reality. And here we are.
Honestly, I was not blown out of the window. Though it was better than I expected. Definitely left some food for thought, which I guess is kind of, or at least to some degree, the selling point of zombie movies; you know, the classic question of how oneself would act in a similar situation. Curiously, this does not happen in ’normal’ movies, at least not for me. I just watch; that’s it. Decisions of the characters are evaluated more objectively (to the degree that is even possible) and not subjectively; kind of as a study of morality or ethics.
I liked the absence of annoying jumpscares. I do not, nor shall I ever understand the attractiveness of them. Overall, I have not regretted watching the movie yet. Assuming the upcoming third title is decent, this will be remembered as an enjoyable endeavor.